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Our experience

Arnold Bloch Leibler is renowned within the Australian business, legal and accounting communities as being the ‘go-to’ taxation law practice for corporate leaders, major companies and wealthy private clients.

We are often sought by our clients to advise on high-profile taxation audits and disputes and to provide commercial tax advice on complex commercial transactions. Our tax lawyers have formidable taxation knowledge and an unrivalled reputation for vigorously negotiating with the highest ranking officials from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Members of our tax team advise Government on revenue law issues, hold prominent positions on taxation-related steering and advisory committees and are active in professional education.

Arnold Bloch Leibler Tax Disputes Portal

Your go-to source for information related to the ATO’s rollout of its specific tax engagement programs.

Our clients

As most of ABL’s tax matters are highly confidential, the firm does not generally disclose the specific details of our clients in this practice area, or the assistance that we provide to them. However, our client base includes:

  • high-wealth individuals and family groups
  • major shareholders of Australia’s largest privately owned and family run companies
  • the founders of successful start-ups
  • charitable and not-for-profit foundations
  • trustees of large private funds
  • innovative and entrepreneurial private equity houses
  • accountants, investment advisers and other professional services providers 
  • ASX 200 listed companies, and
  • the chief executive officers and senior executives of major corporations.

Major transactional work

Recognised as ‘Law Firm of the Year’ for Tax by Best Lawyers International

Taxation services

Taxation audits and disputes

ABL is the tax controversy sector leader in end-to-end management of taxation disputes and litigation arising from ATO compliance activities and audits. We act for high-net-worth individuals, private company groups and publicly listed companies regarding taxation audits, voluntary disclosures and defending claims brought by the ATO. To access our Tax Disputes Portal, click here

Tax advice on major transactions

The taxation practice’s transaction advisory capabilities encompass advice in relation to the taxation implications of merger and acquisition transactions (including the purchase and sale of assets both domestically and overseas), restructuring both insolvent and solvent corporate groups, employee share schemes and executive remuneration, and inbound and outbound investment in Australia (including venture capital and cross-border financing).

Employee share schemes and incentives

Employers use Employee Share Schemes to attract, retain and motivate staff. Our team provides taxation and regulatory advice to leading ASX listed companies, share registries, employee share trust providers, private companies and innovative start-up businesses on all aspects of the design, implementation and administration of employee share schemes and incentives. To access our dedicated ESS page, click here.


The taxation practice has extensive expertise in the areas of trusts, estate and succession planning, and the structuring and reorganisation of affairs to ensure they are tax efficient. 

International taxation 

Many of our clients are involved in cross-border transactions or have dealings with family or company groups with members based overseas.  We advise clients of the Australian tax consequences of their offshore dealings and structures. The taxation practice also provides cross-border tax advice to individuals who are returning to, or departing from, Australia.

Need more information on doing business or investing in Australia?
View our tax guide here.

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