In the member profile, Clint shares insights into his career progression, the challenges of being a tax lawyer and what the award win has meant to him: “There are many professional award schemes around but, as a tax lawyer, being recognised by The Tax lnstitute really means something and it's a great source of pride for me, and for the firm.”
Asked about what keeps him motivated on challenging days, Clint references the unique make up of his practice: “Clients and colleagues tell me that my multi-jurisdictional experience and my ability to do both transactional and dispute work is very unusual among my peers, and that point of difference continues to motivate me on my journey to be the best tax practitioner I can be.
“To be an effective commercial tax lawyer, technical excellence is a given. The ability to put yourself in the client's shoes, to be a trusted adviser who can identify and achieve the best outcome, involves a range of other qualities, including business acumen, empathy, communication skills and unquestionable ethics".
To read the full profile in the Tax Institute's Taxation in Australia journal, click here.
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