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Restructuring & Insolvency

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Our experience

Arnold Bloch Leibler is a strong advocate for improving existing statutory frameworks to facilitate a more modern approach to corporate reorganisation and insolvency arrangements in Australia.

Over the last 20 years, we have advised on some of Australia’s largest and most complex corporate restructuring and insolvency matters including Arrium, Ansett Airlines, Nine Entertainment, Alinta, Centro, One.Tel and Timbercorp. These are the types of matters that have reinforced our market reputation and have been the catalyst for changes in insolvency law. 

Our commercial approach to administration procedures and moratoria, and debt refinancing, maximises the opportunity for a company to remain in existence and thereby increases returns for creditors and shareholders.

'Law Firm of the Year' for Insolvency & Reorganisation Law

Best Lawyers® International guide

Restructuring & insolvency services

Our work involves assisting clients with:

  • Early and proactive diagnosis of legal issues that may impact on solvency
  • Developing workable and commercially realistic solutions to restructure a business
  • Preparing deeds of company arrangement, schemes of arrangement and informal realisation arrangements
  • Restructuring and workout of debts
  • Performing detailed security and due diligence reviews to secure and protect assets (including real assets and employee entitlements)
  • Enforcement and recovery of antecedent transactions and
  • Representation in actions and investigations by corporate regulators.

"Very creative and commercial in approach and solutions."

Client quote, Legal 500 Asia Pacific


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