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Arnold Bloch Leibler hosts workshop for Sri Lankan delegation

Corporate and M&A, Taxation
Workshop for Sri Lankan delegation

Arnold Bloch Leibler recently hosted and facilitated a two day workshop - organised by Deakin Law School’s Centre on the Legal Profession - for a visiting delegation of 12 senior officers from the Sri Lankan Attorney-General’s Department (pictured above with Partner, Paul Sokolowski and Senior Associate, Bridgid Cowling, and Athula Pathinayake and Prof. Sandeep Gopalan of Deakin Law School – standing second and third from right).

The head of the delegation was Mrs Dilrukshi Wickramasinghe, the Senior Additional Solicitor-General who heads up the Civil Division of the Attorney-General’s Department, and is a former judge of the High Court of Fiji, with selected sessions also attended by the Sri Lankan Consul-General. The workshop - part of a week-long fact finding and educational tour for the delegation - covered a number of legal areas, including: international treaties, Australia’s tax system, tax treaties, international dispute resolution, the Australian Constitution and responsible government, and data protection and privacy law.

Arnold Bloch Leibler Partner, and the firm’s taxation practice leader, Paul Sokolowski (who arranged the workshop and is a Deakin Law School Advisory Board member) presented a session on the Australian tax system with Consultant Mark Macrae. 

Lawyer Jessica Spring and Law Graduate Michelle Ainsworth (with assistance from Commercial Partner Michael Dodge) presented a session on data protection and privacy breaches, looking at both Australian and European regimes. 

“It was a privilege to host the delegation and facilitate the workshop, and to be able to share our knowledge and insights on the topics covered,” Paul Sokolowski said.

Athula Pathinayake, the Executive Director of Deakin Law School’s Centre on the Legal Profession, thanked Arnold Bloch Leibler's continued support for the Law School and the Centre, noting that the workshop “went beyond all expectations”, adding that “Paul Sokolowski and the team at Arnold Bloch Leibler facilitated engaging and thought-provoking discussions on topics highly relevant to the visiting delegation, who were pleased to share in Arnold Bloch Leibler’s breadth of knowledge that provided stimulation for many discussions going forward.