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Identification requirements for company Directors

ABL Private, Corporate and M&A, Dispute Resolution & Litigation, Public Interest Law, Property & Development, Taxation
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From 5 April 2022, anyone proposing to become a company Director must first obtain a director identification number (Director ID). This is the second phase in the implementation of the Director ID requirements which came into effect on 1 November 2021.

These requirements impact all company Directors including those of private companies and corporate trustees of family trusts, not just Directors of large or listed entities.

Set out below is a summary of everything you need to know, including the steps you need to take to apply for your Director ID.

Do I need to apply for a Director ID?

You will be required to obtain a Director ID if you are a director or alternate director of:

  • a company, a registered Australian body or a registered foreign company under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act), or
  • an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander corporation registered under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth) (CATSI Act).

Under what circumstances is a Director ID not required?

A Director ID is not required if you are:

  • a company secretary but not a director
  • acting as an external administrator of a company
  • running a business as a sole trader or partnership
  • referred to as a ‘director’ in your job title but have not been appointed as a director under the Corporations Act or the CATSI Act
  • a director of a registered charity with an organisation type that is not registered with ASIC to operate throughout Australia, or
  • an officer of an unincorporated association, cooperative or incorporated association established under state or territory legislation, unless the organisation is also a registered Australian body.

When do Corporations Act directors need to apply for a Director ID?

Date you are appointed as a director of a specific company Date you must apply by for your Director ID
On or before 31 October 2021 By 30 November 2022
Between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 Within 28 days of appointment
From 5 April 2022 Before appointment

When do CATSI Act directors need to apply for a Director ID?

Date you are appointed as a director of a specific company Date you must apply by for your Director ID 
On or before 31 October 2022 By 30 November 2023
From 1 November 2022 Before appointment

From 5 April 2022, anyone proposing to become a company Director must first obtain a director identification number.

How do I apply for a Director ID?

In order to apply for a Director ID, you can follow the steps below.

Step 1: Set up myGovID

You will require either a standard or strong identity strength myGovID. If you do not have a myGovID account, you can find information on How to set up myGovID.

Note that a myGovID is different to standard myGov account which links to online services such as the ATO or Centrelink.

Step 2: Gather your documents

You will need the following information:

  • your tax file number (TFN)
  • your residential address as held by the ATO, and
  • information from two documents to verify your identity such as bank account details, an ATO notice of assessment, super account details, a dividend statement, a Centrelink payment summary or a PAYG payment summary.

Step 3: Complete your application

After completing steps 1 and 2, you can apply for your director ID through the Australian Business Registry Services Website.

Please note: only you can lodge your application and not anyone on your behalf as you will be required to verify your identity.

If you cannot get a myGovID

You can apply by phone or lodge a paper application. You can find more information on these options on Verify Your Identity.