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Meet newly appointed senior associate Micaela Bernfield

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We spoke to newly promoted senior associate Micaela Bernfield about why she chose to specialise in tax law, what the work involves day to day and how her ongoing studies enhance her ability to deliver the best outcomes for clients.

Why did you decide to specialise in tax law?

I have always had an innate desire to problem solve and determine how a set of complex rules applies to any factual scenario. Finding the solution has always been a fulfilling mission and I think it was this aspiration that has driven me to specialise in the law of taxation.

How would you describe your work day-to-day as part of ABL’s renowned tax team?

Tax is a unique area of the law, which is wide-ranging and constantly changing. I find it thought-provoking and challenging because there are no two matters which are the exact same, and finding solutions for my clients is both rewarding and motivating.

The work is also incredibly varied. On any given day, I could be writing a tax opinion, advising on restructuring or engaging with the Australian Taxation Office – including an early engagement or dispute resolution process. 

This inspires me to enhance my knowledge and continue developing my career in the area of tax law each and every day.

“Finding the solution has always been a fulfilling mission and I think it was this aspiration that has driven me to specialise in the law of taxation”.

You are currently completing a Master of Laws at Sydney University. How has the additional study strengthened your offering to clients?

Completing the Master of Laws (Tax) has been particularly valuable in developing my career as a tax lawyer. Undertaking this course has enhanced my understanding of the history, context and policy that have shaped some of the tax issues I deal with on a day-to-day basis.

Not only has the course exposed me to the rich content that defines and explains various areas of our tax laws, but it has provided me with access to some of the brilliant minds of lecturers, who are eminent within our field.

This deeper knowledge gained throughout the course has definitely enhanced my ability to deliver successful outcomes for my clients.