Arnold Bloch Leibler's Indigenous Solidarity Network held a special event at Heide Museum of Modern Art to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the Indigenous Solidarity Statement of Commitment, and to launch the first Annual Progress Report.
In November 2021, Arnold Bloch Leibler published its Indigenous Solidarity Statement of Commitment. The Statement of Commitment is intended to capture the responsibilities and obligations of the firm’s Partners and staff in support of Indigenous self-determination. Following the first operative year of the Statement of Commitment, the ABL Indigenous Solidarity Network (AISN) has published an Annual Progress Report which reflects and reports on this important aspect of the firm’s work.
To ensure the work set out in the Statement is reviewed, monitored and measured, the AISN committed to reporting annually on the firm’s progress against our stated objectives and priorities, utilising a specially designed impact model. This includes publishing the firm's priorities for 2023, in line with the broader commitment to ensure the Statement of Commitment remains a living document, and to maintain accountability in each priority area.
Annual Progress Report 2022
view the full report
As part of the event, hosted at Heidi Museum of Modern Art, guests were invited to tour the current exhibition - Barbara Hepworth: In Equilibrium. Heide Museum of Modern Art is one of Arnold Bloch Leibler's long standing pro bono clients supported by our Native Title & Public Interest Law practice.