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A full program in Perth for Mark Leibler

Public Interest Law
Mark Leibler AC Visit to High Schoolweb 1
On a three-day visit to Perth last week, Senior Partner Mark Leibler visited the new Governor, Kim Beazley, and addressed diverse audiences on tax administration, Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and the need to generate greater objectivity in the way the world views Israel.

Travelling to Perth as a guest of Carmel School, Friends of Israel WA and the United Israel Appeal, Mark had the opportunity to give a major public address titled: Understanding Israel - the defining struggle for objectivity.

In an edited extract of the speech, published in today’s edition of The Australian, Mark writes: “If we are to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians, it won’t happen if we are unable to shift the biased mindset towards Israel.”

Addressing a Perth Business Breakfast, Mark spoke on two themes - good tax administration and Constitutional Recognition – which Mark admitted to the audience have nothing in common other than his conviction that they are both significant matters for the nation. Mark was introduced at the breakfast by retiring WA Chief Justice Wayne Martin.

For Mark, the highlight of the trip was his visit to Carmel School to address students on the topic of: Understanding the Bonds between Jewish Australians and Indigenous Australians. 

In an edited extract of the address in the Australian Jewish News, Mark relates the story of Yorta Yorta leader William Cooper’s march on the German Consulate in 1938, protesting Nazi persecution of the Jewish population, Mark said that “the enduring commitment of the Jewish community to Aboriginal people across Australia is built on the foundation of empathy he established.”

To read Mark’s address on Understanding Israel - the defining struggle for objectivity, click here.

To read Mark’s address to the Business Breakfast, click here.

To read Mark’s address to the Carmel School, click here.

To read the extract in The Australian, click here.

To read the extract in The Australian Jewish News, click here.