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Uluru Statement from the Heart

Uluru statement from the heart blurred

Arnold Bloch Leibler is committed to working alongside Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians towards the establishment of a constitutionally enshrined advisory voice for Indigenous Australians to the federal parliament - the model of constitutional recognition presented in the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Senior Partner Mark Leibler AC has played a national leadership role in the pursuit of appropriate recognition of Australia’s First Peoples for more than a decade, having served as the co-chair of both the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and Referendum Council.

Mark and the firm will remain actively involved in advocating for this model of recognition, formally agreed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, following the most comprehensive consultation process undertaken with Indigenous people in the nation’s history.

“Indigenous Australians have no better friends and advocates for their causes than Mark Leibler and the firm he leads, Arnold Bloch Leibler."

The Hon. Fred Chaney AO

“My experience with Arnold Bloch Leibler has principally been in two areas: as Chairperson of the Lowitja Institute, Australia’s national institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research, and as co-chair of the Referendum Council. The Council guided the consultations around the country to discuss constitutional recognition with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

“ABL’s senior partner Mark Leibler co-chaired the Referendum Council in 2015-17. This work involved a high level of commitment, particularly in terms of his time and expertise, and in his personal dedication to the continuing struggles of Australia’s First Peoples. Part of that commitment is Mark’s attentiveness to the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.”

Pat Anderson AO
Chairperson, Lowitja Institute

“Indigenous Australians have no better friends and advocates for their causes than Mark Leibler and the firm he leads, Arnold Bloch Leibler.

“Mark’s personal contribution runs over a quarter of a century and includes supporting the pursuit of native title, co-chairing Reconciliation Australia, co-chairing the Expert Panel on Constitutional Recognition, and also the Referendum Council. I admire him enormously and am personally grateful for his many contributions. Mark supercharges the contributions of all those with whom he works.”

The Hon. Fred Chaney AO