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Australian Guide to Corporate Governance 2018

Capital Markets, Corporate and M&A, Shareholder Activism
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Partners Jonathan Wenig and Jeremy Lanzer have written the exclusive Australian chapter in a global guide to corporate governance.

The International Comparative Legal Guide to Corporate Governance (ICLG) 2018 is divided into country question and answer chapters, providing a broad overview of common issues in corporate governance laws and regulations in 38 jurisdictions.

The Australian chapter, authored by Arnold Bloch Leibler, can be accessed here.

In the chapter, Jonathan Wenig and Jeremy Lanzer write that recent developments in corporate governance and changes to the law in the past 12 months have brought several new issues to the surface: "These include a shift in thinking regarding the composition of boards of directors, the introduction of a "safe harbour" for directors from personal civil liability for insolvent trading, and greater discussion of shareholder activism."

"Recent developments in corporate governance and changes to the law in the past 12 months have brought several new issues to the surface."

Jonathan Wenig and Jeremy Lanzer, ABL partners

The ICLG series publishes annual comparative guides on a range of legal practice areas, which are aimed at keeping general counsel, government agencies and private practice lawyers up-to-date with global legal developments.